Najbolje godine ovog života mog
Sjajne i rđave
Samo su kliznule k'o sila Dunava
Pod senkom Tvrđave
Obećo sam srca teška
Obećo sam, al' jebeš ga
Ume život biti tmuran kad gledaš od dole,
Ma budi zato sivi soko, pa se vini u visoko, hej!.
...nisam lutak da me naviju...
sa albuma "Italian Ice"
White Lies
You try
Can't blind my eyes
You got your red dress on
And you want to play
Like I can't know things that I've never seen
My lips soon forgiven
And my eyes soon fulfilled
I can't wait until I'm home
So light your light
It's getting harder to breathe
Chainsmoking your love
Can't be good for my sanity
Can't be good for my lungs
you keep the light on, you keep the light on, you keep the night light on
You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side
Umro je Ennio Morricone
It doesn't take a mathematician
To add a simple sum
Either you are simply beautiful
Or I am simply dumb