Michelle Gurevich: First Six Months of Love

Nekada bi ovakve pesme bili mali hitovi na pokojnom B92

Danas… danas ipak morate sami da se potrudite da nađete svoj (hit):


You must know that moment
When the miserable world cracks open
You finally meet someone
Suddenly the chapter’s written

Six months with nothing other
Than a duvet and a jug of water
It’s a chemical jackpot babe
And we’ve got the winning number

Give me the first six months of love
Give me the first six months of love
Before the truth comes spilling out
Before you open your big mouth
One of the finest things in life
Gone on a serotonin ride
God knows I’ve waited long enough
Give me the first six months
First six months of love

Before begin the dissections
Before the therapy sessions
We danced the night we met
Now we need dancing lessons

Remember how it all began
We must not let habit set in
Come up the stairs, let’s recommence
The first six months over again

Give me the first six months of love
Give me the first six months of love
Before the truth comes spilling out
Before you open your big mouth
One of the finest things in life
Gone on a serotonin ride
Babe if we gonna stick it out
Give me the first six months
First six months of love


Direktor, vlasnik i suvlasnik kompanije BVIZ LTD koja je osnovana sa ciljem obeležavanja, praćenja i čuvanja ugleda lika i dela Bozze Vampira iz Zemuna. Poslednjih godina, nakon što se Bozza povukao iz javnog života, BVIZ LTD na čelu sa sjajnim Biografom, krpi kraj sa krajem pišući recenzije onih filmova koje je, uglavnom, retko ko i gledao a još ređe i čitao (te recenzije)...

- autor je svih epizoda na ovom sajtu

VEMI za najbolji night soap (1999, 2001);
VOSKAR za sporedne efekte (2003);
VULICER za najbolji roman u kategoriji "Romani sa Bozzom Vampirom" (2004)

V- je prvo slovo reči VAMPIR

Articles: 1163

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