The Dead South – In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company

Šta je ljudi, hoćete hita....

Pesma koju intezivno slušam poslednjih meseci…


Dead love couldn’t go no further
Proud of and disgusted by her
Push shove, a little bruised and battered
Oh Lord I ain’t coming home with you

My life’s a bit more colder
Dead wife is what I told her
Brass knife sinks into my shoulder
Oh babe don’t know what I’m gonna do

I see my red head, messed bed, tear shed, queen bee
My squeeze
The stage it smells, tells, hell’s bells, miss-spells
Knocks me on my knees
It didn’t hurt, flirt, blood squirt, stuffed shirt
Hang me on a tree
After I count down, three rounds, in hell I’ll be in good company

Dead love couldn’t go no further
Proud of and disgusted by her
Push shove, a little bruised and battered
Oh Lord I ain’t coming home with you

My life’s a bit more colder
Dead wife is what I told her
Brass knife sinks into my shoulder
Oh babe don’t know what I’m gonna do

I see my red head, messed bed, tear shed, queen bee
My squeeze
The stage it smells, tells, hell’s bells, misspells
Knocks me on my knees
It didn’t hurt, flirt, blood squirt, stuffed shirt
Hang me on a tree
After I count down, three rounds, in hell I’ll be in good company

In hell I’ll be in good company


Direktor, vlasnik i suvlasnik kompanije BVIZ LTD koja je osnovana sa ciljem obeležavanja, praćenja i čuvanja ugleda lika i dela Bozze Vampira iz Zemuna. Poslednjih godina, nakon što se Bozza povukao iz javnog života, BVIZ LTD na čelu sa sjajnim Biografom, krpi kraj sa krajem pišući recenzije onih filmova koje je, uglavnom, retko ko i gledao a još ređe i čitao (te recenzije)...

- autor je svih epizoda na ovom sajtu

VEMI za najbolji night soap (1999, 2001);
VOSKAR za sporedne efekte (2003);
VULICER za najbolji roman u kategoriji "Romani sa Bozzom Vampirom" (2004)

V- je prvo slovo reči VAMPIR

Articles: 1164

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