God Give Me Strength

She was the light that I'd bless, She took my last chance of happiness

Ova pesma se prvo pojavilo u zaboravljenom filmu iz 1996 godine “Grace of My Heart”


Napisali su je zajedno legendarni Burt Bacharach i Elvis Costello. Par godina kasnije pojavila se na njihovom zajedničkom albumu “Painted from Memory”

prelepa, prelepa balada



Now I have nothing
So God give me strength
‘Cos I’m weak in her wake
And if I’m strong I might still break
And I don’t have anything to share
That I won’t throw away into the air
That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that I’d bless
She took my last chance of happiness
So God give me strength
God give me strength

I can’t hold on to her
God give me strength
When the phone doesn’t ring
And I’m lost in imagining
Everything that kind of love is worth
As I tumble back down to the earth

That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that I’d bless
She took my last chance of happiness
So God give me strength

God if she’d grant me her indulgence and decline
I might as well
Wipe her from my memory
Fracture the spell
As she becomes my enemy

Maybe I was washed out
Like a lip-print on his shirt
See, I’m only human
I want him to hurt
I want him
I want him to hurt

Since I lost the power to pretend
That there could ever be a happy ending
That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
She was the light that I’d bless
She took my last chance of happiness
So God give me strength
God give me strength



Direktor, vlasnik i suvlasnik kompanije BVIZ LTD koja je osnovana sa ciljem obeležavanja, praćenja i čuvanja ugleda lika i dela Bozze Vampira iz Zemuna. Poslednjih godina, nakon što se Bozza povukao iz javnog života, BVIZ LTD na čelu sa sjajnim Biografom, krpi kraj sa krajem pišući recenzije onih filmova koje je, uglavnom, retko ko i gledao a još ređe i čitao (te recenzije)...

- autor je svih epizoda na ovom sajtu

VEMI za najbolji night soap (1999, 2001);
VOSKAR za sporedne efekte (2003);
VULICER za najbolji roman u kategoriji "Romani sa Bozzom Vampirom" (2004)

V- je prvo slovo reči VAMPIR

Articles: 1164

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